Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 4 - Falls of Rough

Been a couple days since I've posted, but I'll try to still go day by day. Day for was a pretty good ride - just over 60 miles, and only a few steep hills. The past 2 days dogs have not been a problem, however I've heard from cyclists coming the other way that they ran into a couple problems going through Missouri. I'm actually trying to work a detour into my trip where I ride the Katy Trail up in Northern Missouri (not just to miss the dogs, but a nice bonus) and once I get past the Ozarks I think I'll be home free from that pain.

Stayed in a hotel next to a state park on day 4 - the place was alright although a little sketch. Had a swimming pool - which sounded appealing - but it also looked like they just filled the hole in the ground with hose water, and added no chlorine. Yeah for water-borne diseases. Oh well, I guess I fit in at the place as I swam around in my biking shorts. I then was watching a little TV while eating dinner and noticed the headboard for some reason was a little I decided it was best to just go to sleep.

While problems with dogs have largely gone away I'd say my biggest current problems are as follows: I can feel the saddle seat sores starting to form, not a good sign. After about 45 minutes of riding, my toes start to lose their feeling - don't know if that's because my shoes are too tight, or not tight enough, my arms also get tired out as they end up being in a locked position for large chunks of time. Road have gotten a little more busy - no real close calls yet, but those big trucks are certainly a pain to deal with. Oh and I have trouble (meaning I can't) putting my bike in it's lowest gears, making extended hills a big drain on my energy. If I end up having to go through the Ozarks, it'll cause me to go pretty slow. Not that any of these problems are very severe, but all things I'm going to have to keep an eye on.

Better news on the next post.

1 comment:

  1. My feet ALWAYS fall asleep too. I think it has something to do with the angle you hold your foot in your shoe... experiment with that. Since you are clipped in make sure you are also pulling on the up-peddle (so utilizing the full circle... this will use different muscles and you can get a real spurt of energy). I think the clip being right at the base of your foot and all of the your power concentrated there might do it, so peddling slightly differently or changing it up might alleviate that a bit. I've never been able to make it go away completely though. Might just be that feet swell with exercise so there isn't too much that can be done. Good luck with all of that!
